Saturday, September 22, 2012

An Opening Post...

I am the procurer and preparer of foods for our family of 4.   I have a wife with a sensitive digestive system, a step-daughter just out of her teens who has never eaten properly and a son entering his teens and growing like a weed.  We have extended family whom we share meals with at times with their own dietary requirements and restrictions (e.g. strictly gluten free).

Our budget is not large; as small as I can make it in fact.   For the past year I've been working hard to make the most of our budget and deliver the best food for our buck to my family.  We've been able to transition from eating out a lot to very rarely and (I think) enjoying our food a lot more.  I've learned a lot about cooking, the local sources for food, making the most of what I have on hand and more.  It might be fun to share some of that experience and my take on some local foods and restaurants.

I'm not a professional, I have absolutely zero formal training in the culinary world, I will never claim to be a authority on anything.  Our kitchen is old and tiny, my tools are limited, my knowledge is hit or miss.  All I can do is share what works for me and my family here.  Maybe it will work for you too, future but likely non-existent readers.

My journey really began in earnest about a year ago when I started moving from grocery store "on-sale" only proteins to the Halifax Farmers' Market for our meats.  It was intimidating at first and the budget expanded a little but the results are more than worth it.  The budget comparison is an interesting discussion in itself, something I'm passionate about as my family well knows.  I still get lots of supplies from the Sobeys and Superstore chains, but I'm more educated now about what I am purchasing, and perhaps more importantly, who I am purchasing from.

In a few short hours from now, I'll get up again to head down to the market (before the tourists show up) to refill our freezer and prepare for the week's meals.  This weekend is supposed to be rainy (naturally, it is Nova Scotia after all) so I'm hoping to be able to get some cooking done to replenish our stock of ready-made meals and maybe get ahead a little more.
